Monday, July 31, 2006

Class, repeat after me.... I will not upgrade my system

There are so many reasons why you should rebuild a computer rather that upgrade it from a prior version of Windows. If you think about it you could have a computer that was originally built with Windows 95 that is now running XP through a series of upgrades. Can you upgrade from 98 to 2000?? I can't remember.... Anyway, when you upgrade you carry with you all the junk that you installed with your last operating system. That also includes all the problems you were having. One issue that took me a bit to figure out was why I had a workstation that you could not connect to the event viewer or regedit remotely. After working through all the troubleshooting steps that MSFT has me do I finally hit Q892192 and that solved the problem.
There is a reason you have a garage sale before you move. You just don't need to take all that stuff to your next house.

SBS 2003 SP1 won't sync AD during a Swing Migration

I was working through a Windows 2000 to SBS 2003 SP1 swing migration this weekend and when we did the dcpromo on the temp server is just would not sync AD. After digging around google for a while I found a troubleshooting guide for RPC Endpont Mapper problems. Running thought this guide showed that a bunch of ports were shutdown on the server. What???? So I checked windows firewall and sure enough it was locked down as tight as can be. Now I'm glad MSFT is securing their servers, but if I run dcpromo on a server it should open the required ports to allow it to work as a domain controller. This was a SBS 2003 SP1 server so I don't know if it is the same with a standard Windows 2003 server.